som Sara i Candela, una asturiana i una gallega amigues des de fa 10 anys. Ens
vam conèixer a Salamanca estudiant Belles arts i ja aleshores formàvem un bon
equip. Sabíem que en algun moment acabaríem treballant juntes. En acabar la
universitat vam prendre camins diferents. Sara va anar a Londres on va estar
treballant al V&A Museum per després tornar a Espanya i treballar com a
dissenyadora gràfica. La seva inquietud per conèixer noves cultures la va portar
a Shanghai, on va estudiar un màster en idioma, cultura i negociació xinesa. Jo
vaig anar a Barcelona i després d'un temps treballant al sector del comerç vaig
decidir ampliar els meus estudis i fer un màster de moda per després treballar
amb la dissenyadora Mariana Méndez. Sempre vam saber que tard o d'hora
acabaríem treballant juntes.
miteta are Sara and Candela, Asturian and Galician friends for 10 years. We met at Salamanca studying Fine Arts and at that time we were a good team. We knew that sometime we would work together. We just college and went different ways. Sara went to London where he worked in the V & A Museum and then return to Spain and working as a graphic designer. His interest in understanding new cultures took her to Shanghai, where he studied an MA in language, culture and Chinese negotiation. I went to Barcelona and after a time working in the commercial sector decided to broaden my studies and do a masters in fashion and then work with the designer Mariana Méndez. We always knew that sooner or later we would end up working together.
miteta are Sara and Candela, Asturian and Galician friends for 10 years. We met at Salamanca studying Fine Arts and at that time we were a good team. We knew that sometime we would work together. We just college and went different ways. Sara went to London where he worked in the V & A Museum and then return to Spain and working as a graphic designer. His interest in understanding new cultures took her to Shanghai, where he studied an MA in language, culture and Chinese negotiation. I went to Barcelona and after a time working in the commercial sector decided to broaden my studies and do a masters in fashion and then work with the designer Mariana Méndez. We always knew that sooner or later we would end up working together.
Un dia, a milers de quilòmetres de distància, Sara a Shanghai i jo a Barcelona, vam decidir que era el moment de fer alguna cosa i ho teníem molt clar, un projecte on gaudir i desenvolupar tota la nostra creativitat. Volíem fer el que ens agradava i com ens agradava, fusionant l'art i el disseny, les nostres dues passions. Així que, sense pensar-ho dues vegades, ens vam embarcar en un nou projecte: miteta.
One day, thousands of miles away, Sara in Shanghai and I in Barcelona, we decided it was time to do something and we were very clear, a project in which to enjoy and develop our creativity. We wanted to do what we liked and how we liked, a fusion of art and design, our two passions. So without thinking twice, we embarked on a new project: miteta.
Ara mateix, després de gairebé dos anys, jo estic a Mallorca, on tenim
la nostra botiga-taller, i Sara s'ha desvinculat durant un temps del projecte
per dur a terme la seva pròpia aventura personal a Malàisia.
Right now, after almost two years, I am in Mallorca, where we have our shop and workshop, and Sara has been disconnected for some time of the project to undertake their own personal adventure in Malaysia.
Si ens pregunten què és miteta, ens agrada dir que miteta és diversió,
alegria i humor. És un estil de vida, un concepte que conjuga art i disseny per
al dia a dia. L'art de la il·lustració aplicat a suports amb un elevat
component de disseny. miteta és un món, alguna cosa absurda i sense
vergonya, plena d'atreviment, imaginació i, sobretot, creativitat. miteta està
fora d'allò corrent i lluny del corrent. miteta és viure sense por, gaudir
del dia com si fos l'últim i envoltar-te de la gent i les coses que et fan
somriure. Sota aquest criteri hem creat la nostra primera col·lecció:
Lleva tiempo llegar a ser joven.
When asked what is miteta, we like to say miteta is fun, joy and humor. It is a lifestyle, a concept that combines art and design for every day. The art of illustration applied to supports with a high design component. miteta is an absurd and shameless world, full of chutzpah, imagination and, above all, creativity. miteta is unusual and current. miteta is to live without fear, enjoy the day as if it were the last and to surround yourself with people and things that make you smile. Under this criterion we set up our first collection: it takes time to become young.
When asked what is miteta, we like to say miteta is fun, joy and humor. It is a lifestyle, a concept that combines art and design for every day. The art of illustration applied to supports with a high design component. miteta is an absurd and shameless world, full of chutzpah, imagination and, above all, creativity. miteta is unusual and current. miteta is to live without fear, enjoy the day as if it were the last and to surround yourself with people and things that make you smile. Under this criterion we set up our first collection: it takes time to become young.
En la nostra primera col·lecció, Lleva tiempo llegar a ser joven, hem
volgut homenatjar aquests avis vitals i divertits que ens recorden cada dia que
la joventut no és una qüestió d'edat sinó d'actitud. Perquè hi ha molts “vells”
de 30 anys i “joves” de 80, els protagonistes d'aquesta col·lecció són aquests
joves de 80 que mostren que la vida són dos dies i cal gaudir-la.
In our first collection, takes time to become young, we wanted to pay homage to these vital and funny grandparents who remind us every day that youth is not a question of age but to attitude. Because there are many "old people" 30 and "young people" 80 years old, the protagonists of this collection are those young 80 years old show that life is two days and have to enjoy it.
El nostre procés creatiu és propi i molt diferent al d'altres
marques o dissenyadors. Desenvolupem conceptes a través d'il·lustracions i els
apliquem a qualsevol tipus de producte. En aquest sentit, el propi
concepte de la col·lecció determina en molts casos la tipologia dels
productes. Com els tirants i els corbatins, dos accessoris molt dels nostres
avis, encara que ara tornin a estar de moda.
Our creative process is proper and very different from other brands or designers. We develop concepts through artwork and apply to any type of product. In this sense, the concept of the collection often determines the type of products. As the braces and bow ties, two very typical accessories of our grandparents, but now back in fashion.
Esperem que us agradi el nostre treball i us convidem passar per Oslo a
veure de prop els nostres productes i els de molts altres
I si voleu estar al corrent de totes les nostres novetats podeu seguir-nos a Facebook o Instagram.
Feliç Nadal!
I si voleu estar al corrent de totes les nostres novetats podeu seguir-nos a Facebook o Instagram.
Feliç Nadal!
We hope you like our work and we invite you to come to Oslo to see close our products and those of many other designers.
Merry Christmas!
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