T'estimem amiga, sense tu Oslo no hauria estat possible.
Durant un parell de mesos no vam parar de buscar nova companya d'aventura i finalment vam decidir que Sonikamonica, il·lustradora i ceramista, sigui la nova quarta.
La Mónica va estudiar il·lustració a la LLotja i ha il·lustrat per diferents mitjans des de llavors.
Ès autora de dues series de dibuixos animats per a nens, el que la va portar a donar classes d'animació a l'Escola Massana fins el 2005 quan, amb ganes d'aventures va marxar a viure a l'Hemisferi Sud. Primer a Australia i després a Nova Zelanda. Allí va fundar la galeria Flamin'Artichoke.
Ha participat en més d'un centenar d'exposicions (individuals i col·lectives) a Europa i Oceanía. Entre d'altres a ROAR! Gallery en Wellington, NZ i Cape Tribulation, QLD, Australia
Al 2011 va fer l'exposició Mujercitas a Oslo i ara torna. ¡¡Benvinguda¡¡
For a while Aloma Lafontana has been immersed in a new adventure, where she says goodbye to clothes production and focuses on couture sculture with all her body and soul. Building huge costumes in Oslo hasn't been easy, so Aloma moves to a big beautiful atelier in Sant Andreu. We know that life will smile to her since she has always smiled to life.
We love you dear friend, Oslo would not have been possible without you.
For a couple of months we were looking for a new adventures partner and eventually we decided that Sonikamonica, illustrator and ceramist, would be the new 'fourth one'.
Monica studied illustration in la Llotja and has been illustrating for various media since then. Monica is the author of two series of animated cartoons for children, which led her to teach animation classes at Escola Massana since 2000. In 2005 Mónica moved to the Southern Hemisphere in search of adventure. First Australia and then New Zealand. . There she founded the gallery Flamin'Artichoke. She has participated in more than one hundred exhibitions (solo and group) in Europe and Oceania. Among others: ROAR! Gallery in Wellington, NZ and in Cape Tribulation, QLD, Australia.
In 2011 she presented 'Little Women' an exhibition in Oslo and now she returns. Wellcome!!
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