Els que heu passat pel nostre taller us haureu adonat que som molt xerraires; ens agrada explicar-vos el nostre projecte, les aventures dels nostres creadors, l'història que hi ha darrere de cada objecte... Molt sovint ens trobem amb visitats que presten especial atenció a l'obra gràfica que tenim esposada i és que tenim la sort de comptar amb artistes i il·lustradores de primera. A aquests visitats, amb sensibilitat per lo visual i ganes de descobrir nous llenguatges els convidem a passar pel local de la nostra sòcia i veïna Elisa Munsó; El Diluvio Universal. Molt a prop d'OSLO, al carrer Gulleries nº3, té l'estudi l'Elisa, on elabora la seva obra a l'hora que exposa el treball d'artistes locals. Al nostre Facebook no ens cansem de convidar-vos a les seves inauguracions i és que són uns dels events que més ens agraden del barri de Gràcia. Aquest dissabte 7 de març a les 20h, en el marc del Festival La Dinamitera "Art i Feminisme", inaugurarà una exposició col·lectiva de més de 30 artistes que s'articula juntament amb altres dos centres del barri; Untlited BCN i Cadàver Exquisit.
Those who have come to our shop have notice that we like to explain our story, the adventures of our creators, the story behind each object ... Often we have visitors that pay particular attention to the graphic works that we've exposed. We use to invite to those visitors with visual sensitivity and desire to discover new languages to our partners studio El Diluvio Universal. Runned by Elisa Munsó, this place it's just around the corner, Guilleries street nº3, so close to OSLO. Besides being her studio it's also a gallery where she exposes the work of local artists. Her openings are one of the MUST GO of Gracia's neighborhood. This Saturday 7th of March at 20h, she will take part with other two spaces of the neighborhood, Untlited BCN and Cadàver Exquisit, at La Dinamitera Festival "Art and Feminism". More than 30 artists of diferent disiplines will show their work under the title "We don't need another hero"
Those who have come to our shop have notice that we like to explain our story, the adventures of our creators, the story behind each object ... Often we have visitors that pay particular attention to the graphic works that we've exposed. We use to invite to those visitors with visual sensitivity and desire to discover new languages to our partners studio El Diluvio Universal. Runned by Elisa Munsó, this place it's just around the corner, Guilleries street nº3, so close to OSLO. Besides being her studio it's also a gallery where she exposes the work of local artists. Her openings are one of the MUST GO of Gracia's neighborhood. This Saturday 7th of March at 20h, she will take part with other two spaces of the neighborhood, Untlited BCN and Cadàver Exquisit, at La Dinamitera Festival "Art and Feminism". More than 30 artists of diferent disiplines will show their work under the title "We don't need another hero"
I ja que parlem d'estudis gràfics... no podia faltar el nostre germà petit que aviat complirà dos anys; Oslo Graphic Barceloneta. Un espai de co-working on conviuen artistes, il·lustradors i dissenyadors gràfics i que comptem també amb una galeria on organitzen diverses exposicions a l'any. Com el seu nom indica, la seva seu està a la Barceloneta, molt a prop del mar i puntualment imparteixen cursos que tenen a veure amb el seu àmbit; serigrafia, cal·ligrafia, enquadernació... Si encara no els coneixeu us convidem a venir a la festa d'aniversari que celebraran el proper dissabte 7 de Març a les 20h (Carrer Maditerrània, 4). Animeu-vos que ens divertirem!
And speaking of graphic studios ... we have to mention our little brother who will soon be two years old; Oslo Graphic Barceloneta. A gallery and co-working space where artists, illustrators and graphic designers work hand by hand. As its name suggests, the studio is located in Barceloneta, near to the mediterranean sea, and occasionally they also offer courses related to their field; screenprinting, calligraphy, bookbinding ... If you still don't know them, you are welcome to come to the birthday party held on Saturday, 7th of at 20pm (Mediterrània Street, 4). Let's have some fun!
And speaking of graphic studios ... we have to mention our little brother who will soon be two years old; Oslo Graphic Barceloneta. A gallery and co-working space where artists, illustrators and graphic designers work hand by hand. As its name suggests, the studio is located in Barceloneta, near to the mediterranean sea, and occasionally they also offer courses related to their field; screenprinting, calligraphy, bookbinding ... If you still don't know them, you are welcome to come to the birthday party held on Saturday, 7th of at 20pm (Mediterrània Street, 4). Let's have some fun!
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