viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Ariadna Alcañiz ens dedica un post a Dolce City

A Dolce City ens dediquen tot un post que ens ha alegrat el cap de setmana; parlen del que pots trobar a OSLO de com funcionem, de quins van ser els nostres inicis i de lo molt que els hi agrada el que oferim. Ens encanta ser descobertes per gent nova però ens agrada més encara que els que ens acompanyaven en un principi continuïn a la nostra vora, gràcies per les teves paraules Ariadna!

At Dolce City they dedicate a post to OSLO that has gladdened us for the entire weekend. They talk about what you can find at OSLO, how do we work, which were our beginings and they also say how much they like what we offer. We love to be discovered by new people but we like even more that the people that are with us from the begining are still motivated for our work; thanks for your beautiful words Ariadna!

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